Centro Infantil Bellota -- About Us
The Centre cares for children between 2 and 6 years of age who come from families with scarce economic resources and particular need of childcare. Many of these children would otherwise be left to care for themselves at home or in their mother’s place of work.
Children are invited to come from 8.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. (Mothers who start work at 8.00am may leave their children off a little earlier.)

- a healthy and balanced diet, with breakfast, a morning snack, lunch and a snack in the afternoon.
- a safe and caring atmosphere— to build self-esteem, trust in others, and independence.
- a stimulating educational environment that inspires active learning. Daily activities are planned in accordance with the research and guidance provided by High/Scope.
Mothers contribute Q40 (Guatemalan quetzales) per month, less than £3 (British pounds) or around $5 (US dollars). They also make a commitment to bring their children to the Centre washed and in clean clothes, and to care for them if they are sick.
The Centre has a capacity of 15 children. There are currently 7 boys and 8 girls attending the Centre, and 18 parents directly benefiting from this support. Other applicants have left their information in case a space opens up. Priority is given to those in situations of greatest need.