Centro Infantil Bellota -- Objectives
To ensure that children receive good basic nutrition by means of a balanced breakfast and main meal each day they attend.
- To promote good daily hygiene practices, such as brushing teeth and washing hands, and to ensure that these are carried out within the Centre.
- To provide a safe and caring environment and a consistent daily routine that allows children to feel secure.
To offer a stimulating learning environment in which children can actively engage with a wide range of materials.
- To nurture trusting relationships with adults and with other children, adopting a problem-solving approach to social conflict.
- To develop skills and evaluate children’s progress in relation to the 10 Key Experiences identified by High/Scope:
- To provide opportunities for families to visit the Centre and to hold meetings with parents in order to build an understanding of the Centre’s philosophy and to include parents in the work of the Centre.
- Creative representation
- Language and literacy
- Initiative and social relations
- Music
- Movement
- Classification
- Seriation
- Number
- Space
- Time